Godot Screenshot Camera Mechanic

Godot Screenshot Camera Mechanic


For my game's field guide and camera mechanic, I figured out a way to implement this in Godot. I haven't seen examples yet of this, so I was pleased that the implementation ended up being rather straightforward.

For my camera mechanic, the player can basically take a screenshot of an area of the game's viewport, indicated by a crosshair region that renders when the player is in "camera" mode. Game objects that can be "tagged" are highlighted with a white outline when they are in the crosshair region.



Implementing this required some basic vector math and knowledge of Godot's APIs, but the basic idea is to take a screenshot of the viewport, crop it to the area in the crosshair region, then make it a texture. Below is a step-by-step explanation of the basic code to get this working:

First, wait for the frame to finish rendering before we capture any screenshot.

# Wait until the frame has finished before getting the texture.
yield(VisualServer, "frame_post_draw")

Next, I capture the viewport image and create a texture from the image, which creates a screenshot. We also have to flip it so that it matches what the player actually sees.

# Retrieve the captured image.
var viewport: Viewport = target.get_viewport()
var viewport_image: Image = viewport.get_texture().get_data()

# Flip it on the y-axis (because it's flipped).

Since I only want to capture the area inside the camera crosshair region, now I have to calculate the the crosshair region position within the viewport image.

This is a series of Vector2 additions as listed and depicted below:

  1. Viewport center (Camera2D screen center) -> Camera2D global position
  2. Camera2D global position -> Crosshair global position (center)
  3. Crosshair global position (center) -> Crosshair bottom left corner


# Width of the crosshair region, which is a square
var crosshair_width = 48
var crosshair_position: Vector2 = crosshair_sprite.global_position

# Vector #3 in the example diagram
# Offset of bottom left corner of the crosshair area relative to crosshair position, which is the center of the crosshair
var crosshair_origin_offset: Vector2 = Vector2.ONE * -0.5 * crosshair_width

# Vector #2 in the example diagram
# Offset of the crosshair position relative to the Camera2D position
var crosshair_offset: Vector2 = crosshair_position - camera.global_position

# Vector #1 in the example diagram
# Offset of Camera2D from screen center, in case player is at map edge so that Camera2d not centered
var camera_offset = camera.global_position - camera.get_camera_screen_center()

# Red star in the example diagram, marking the bottom left corner of the crosshair region
var image_position = viewport.size * 0.5 + crosshair_origin_offset + crosshair_offset + camera_offset

Now I have the position of the image to capture within the crosshair region. Since I want to use image dimensions of 48 x 48 pixels, I create a Rect2 node with the calculated image position and my dimensions, which gives us the rectangle area in the viewport image that we want to crop.

var cropped_image_rect = Rect2(image_position, Vector2.ONE * crosshair_width)

To crop the image, I call get_rect on the viewport image with this Rect2 node. Once I have the cropped image, I can easily create a new ImageTexture and set the image with create_from_image.

# Create a texture for cropped image.
var cropped_image_texture: ImageTexture = ImageTexture.new()

This texture can now be used in any Sprite or Control node. An example is shown in the full code example.

Full Code Example

func take_photo():
    # Wait until the frame has finished before getting the texture.
    self.crosshair_sprite.visible = false
    yield(VisualServer, "frame_post_draw")

    # Retrieve the captured image.
    var viewport: Viewport = target.get_viewport()
    var viewport_image: Image = viewport.get_texture().get_data()

    # Flip it on the y-axis (because it's flipped).

    # Width of the crosshair region, which is a square
    var crosshair_width = 48
    var crosshair_position: Vector2 = crosshair_sprite.global_position

    # Vector #3 in the example diagram
    # Offset of bottom left corner of the crosshair area relative to crosshair position, which is the center of the crosshair
    var crosshair_origin_offset: Vector2 = Vector2.ONE * -0.5 * crosshair_width

    # Vector #2 in the example diagram
    # Offset of the crosshair position relative to the Camera2D position
    var crosshair_offset: Vector2 = crosshair_position - camera.global_position

    # Vector #1 in the example diagram
    # Offset of Camera2D from screen center, in case player is at map edge so that Camera2d not centered
    var camera_offset = camera.global_position - camera.get_camera_screen_center()

    # Red star in the example diagram, marking the bottom left corner of the crosshair region
    var image_position = viewport.size * 0.5 + crosshair_origin_offset + crosshair_offset + camera_offset
    var cropped_image_rect = Rect2(image_position, Vector2.ONE * crosshair_width)
    var cropped_image: Image = viewport_image.get_rect(cropped_image_rect)

    # Create a texture for cropped image.
    var cropped_image_texture: ImageTexture = ImageTexture.new()

    # Use the texture for whatever you want
    # Here is a basic example that adds a Sprite with the new texture
    var sprite: Sprite = Sprite.new()
    sprite.position += Vector2(0, -96)
    self.crosshair_sprite.visible = true

Potential Caveats

There are a couple caveats with this approach that may or may not be actual issues.

  1. I am assuming that the viewport center is always the same as the camera center. This makes sense to me, but I do not know if this is always the case. I am only using a single Camera2D on my player scene for now, but I wonder if this could be an issue if I later have to manage multiple cameras.
  2. Capturing the viewport image captures everything in the viewport, including the crosshairs sprite and any HUD overlay that happens to be in the crosshair region. I simply made the crosshairs invisible during the frame that the photo was being taken. As for the HUD, I plan to position the HUD and crosshairs region so that they never overlap. I also removed any shader outlines from any nodes that were only meant as a visual cue that the nodes could be tagged in photos.